SummerTalk 2011


Started: 01/02/2011


  • Santiago Bragagnolo (
  • Guillermo Polito
  • Nicolás Scarcella (


  • Mariano Martinez Peck
  • Esteban Lorenzano
  • Diogenes Moreira

The aim of this project is to build an OpenDBX plugin which will allow users to perform relational database operations (DDL, DML and SQL) through an open source library.


Started: 13/04/2011

Student: Martin Dias

Mentor: Mariano Martinez Peck

Serializing objects is an important domain since objects should be stored and reloaded on different environments. There is a plethora of frameworks to serialize objects based on recursive parsing of the object graphs. However such approaches are often too slow. The work presented here is based on the idea that objects are much more times loaded than stored, therefore it is worth to spend time while storing in order to have faster loading and user experience. We present an implementation of a pickle format that is based on clustering similar objects, that reduces loading overhead compared to other approaches.


Started: 27/04/2011

Student: Romain Verduci

Mentor: Laurent Laffont

We like but actually it can only be used for non-commercial applications. Furthermore there's no documentation from the website to setup our own Seaside-Hosting server. From the actual code base of Seaside-Hosting, we want to create a community project with a business vision on deploying Smalltalk web applications.


Started: 29/05/2011

Student: Benjamin Van Ryseghem

Mentor: Stephane Ducasse

The goal is to provide a new browser to Pharo