Fuel: A Fast General Purpose Object Graph Serializer

Mariano Martínez Peck


Fuel is an open-source general purpose framework to serialize and deserialize objects based on the pickling algorithm of Parcels, a popular tool for loading packages in VisualWorks. Fuel is implemented in Pharo Smalltalk Environment and we demonstrate that we can build a really fast serializer without specific VM support, with a clean object-oriented design and providing most possible required features for a serializer.

For more details please visit Fuel website: http://rmod.lille.inria.fr/web/pier/software/Fuel

Mariano will give an introduction to Fuel explaining its pickle format showing some examples of how to use this serializer.


Mariano Martínez Peck is an argentinian Systems Engineer currently doing a PhD in France with RMOD-INRIA and Ecole Des Mines de Douai. He has been working with Smalltalk for 4 years, starting with the development of SqueakDBX. In the past, he had also worked in a financial company using Visual Age Smalltalk. Nowadays, he is a contributor to a couple of open-source projects like Pharo Smalltalk, DBXTalk Suite(OpenDBXDriver, GlorpDBX and OpenDBX), Fuel, Metacello, etc.