Modelizing the emergence of memory

Johan Briglia


We would like to introduce our work to the Smalltalk community which propose an alternate way of conceiving cognition and artificial intelligence. We will see that research in psychology evolves together with computer tools. We will then explain how Smalltalk peculiarities ease the modelization of our work, and that from our collaboration could emerge a really complete model of cognitive-informatic. From our viewpoint, considering memory as cognition foundation, we will present a first prototype of Enis written in Pharo Smalltalk: That pattern supports Tulving's theory of synergistic ecphory, formalizing a "primitive brain" within a dynamic environment.


Johan Briglia is following a curriculum of fondamental research in psychology, he seeks to study a great recursive challenge: Understanding how the brain tries to understand itself. Therefore, he attends to achieve it by gathering works about psychology, biology, computer science and theorical physics through phenomenological methodology. Thus, he works in collaboration with specialists in each discipline and wants to broadcast these researches for science.

Denis Brouillet is a professor of psychology and responsible for the doctoral program at the University Paul Valery - Montpellier III. Director of the Laboratory of Experimental Psychology about Memory and Cognition (LAMECO), he is also in charge of the Syner program in the EPSYLON laboratory and editor of Psychologie Française. He is Johan Briglia's research professor.

Nicolas Petton is a Smalltalk developper since four years. Former co-developper of the AIDA/Web and AIDA/Scribo frameworks, he is also the author of the Iliad web framework. He founded a company named ObjectFusion a year ago in France selling online Smalltalk solutions. Nicolas Petton also works as a Smalltalk developper with Johan Briglia on his research in memory emergence, helping with an implementation of the theorical model.