By reception order.
UML4ST Version 2.0 (VisualWorks)
- Developers: Josef Springer
- Affiliation: Company, Paris, Germany
- Keywords: UML
- Licence: MIT
- Download:
- Video: -
Cog (Squeak, Pharo)
AutoTest (Pharo)
Mars (Pharo)
Gaucho (Pharo)
- Developers: Fernando Olivero and Michele Lanza
- Affiliation: University Of Lugano, Switzerland
- Keywords: Direct manipulation, Programming environment
- Licence: MIT
- Download:
- Video: On YouTube
Physical Etoys (Squeak Etoys)
TextLint (Pharo)
XML Suite (Smalltalk/X)
GitFS (Pharo)
Smalltalk/X jv branch (Smalltalk/X)
Krestianstvo SDK (Squeak / OpenCroquet)
SmallUML (Pharo)
- Developers: Carla F. Griggio, Stephane Ducasse, and Geert Claes
- Affiliation:
- Keywords:
- Licence:
- Download:
- Video:
Torch (Pharo)
- Developers: Verónica Uquillas Gómez
- Affiliation: Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium / University of Lille, France
- Keywords: change history overview, integration support, visual tool
- Licence: MIT
- Download:
- Video: On YouTube
Stampy (VisualWorks)
BizPro Studio (VisualWorks)
- Developers: David Long, Sasa Prokic
- Affiliation: SageTea Group
- Keywords: Software As A Service, Seaside, Smalltalk, Database Driven Websites
- Licence: Commercial
- Download: Demo Version
- Video: On YouTube