International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies
Monday 31 st of August 2009, Brest, France
ESUG 2009 Smalltalk joint event
Smalltalk is considered as a design pearl and as a beacon in the realm of programming languages and programming environments. We are proud to invite submisssions to the International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies which is held 'as part of the ESUG 2009 joint event at Brest. The goals of the workshop is to create a forum around advances or experience in Smalltalk. We welcome contributions on all aspects, theoretical as well as practical, of Smalltalk related topics such as
- aspect-oriented programming,
- meta-programming,
- frameworks,
- interaction with other languages,
- implementation,
- new dialects or languages implemented in Smalltalk,
- tools,
- meta-modeling,
- design patterns,
- experience reports
IWST has a InCooperation agreement with ACM SIGPLAN. The workshop is therefore a SIGPLAN event, and selected papers will appear in the ACM Digital library.
The goal of this workshop is to trigger discussion and exchanges ideas. Participants are invited to submit short and not-so short article. We will not enforce any length restriction, however we expect papers to range from 4 pages (short papers describing emerging ideas) to 15 pages (longer and deeper ideas and/or experiment description. Both submissions and final papers must be prepared using the ACM SIGPLAN 10 point format. Templates for Word and LaTeX are available at; this site also contains links to useful information on how to write effective submissions.
Important Dates:
- Submission: June 24, 2009
- Feedback: July 20, 2009
- Workshop: Monday August 31, 2009, Brest, France
Program chairs:
Program committee:
Submission: Papers ought to be submitted through New submissions are not allowed anymore. Only accepted paper may be updated.
Program: The program is split into two parallel tracks. Note that only the first part of the workshop runs in parallel to ESUG. After the coffee break, there is no ESUG session from 15:00 until 17:00.
Contributions marked with a star ( ) were selected by the program committee for being revised and included in the ACM Digital Library.
Track 1
13:30 - Session Modeling and Testing
- Jannik Laval, Simon Denier, stephane ducasse and Andy Kellens. Supporting Incremental Changes in Large Models. {{{ PDF}}}
- Bernard Pottier, Guillaume Kremer and Jimmy Osmont. A Process Oriented Development Flow for Wireless System Networks. {{{ PDF}}}
- Sergio Castro, Johan Brichau and Kim Mens. Diagnosis and semi-automatic correction of detected design inconsistencies in source code PDF
14:30 - Session Frameworks and Applications I
- Fernando Olivero, Michele Lanza and Romain Robbes. Lumiere : a Novel Framework for Rendering 3D graphics in Smalltalk</i> </span> PDF
- Juan Lautaro Fernández, Santiago Robles, Stéphane Ducasse, Andrés Fortier, Gustavo Rossi and Silvia Gordillo. Meteoroid. Towards a real MVC for the Web PDF
15:10 - Coffee break
15:30 - Session IDE and Tools
- Francois Stephany, Tom Mens and Tudor Girba. Maispion: A Tool for Analysing and Visualising Open Source Software Developer Communities PDF
- David Röthlisberger, Oscar Nierstrasz and Alexandre Bergel. Tackling Software Navigation Issues of the Smalltalk IDE PDF
- Simon Denier, Damien Pollet and stephane ducasse. >Proposals for the Reborn Pharo Developer PDF
Track 2
13:30 - Session Reflection and Meta-Programming
- Veronica Uquillas Gomez, Andy Kellens, Kris Gybels and Theo D'Hondt. Experiments with Pro-active Declarative Meta-Programming PDF
- Dave Mason. Smalltalk Metaprogramming supports Probabilistic Program Analysis PDF
- Gwenaël Casaccio, Damien Pollet, Marcus Denker and Stéphane Ducasse. Object Spaces for Safe Image Surgery PDF
14:30 - Session Frameworks and Applications II
- Thomas Kowark, Robert Hirschfeld and Michael Haupt. Object-Relational Mapping with SqueakSave PDF
- Jorge Ressia and Oscar Nierstrasz. Dynamic Synchronization - A Synchronization Model through Behavioral Reflection PDF
15:10 - Coffee-Break
15:30 - Session language extensions, interoperability and DSL
- Lukas Renggli and Tudor Gîrba. Why Smalltalk Wins the Host Languages Shutout PDF
- Noury Bouraqadi and Luc Fabresse. CLIC: a Component Model Symbiotic with Smalltalk PDF
- Johan Brichau and Coen De Roover. Language-Shifting Object in Inter-language Interoperability PDF
Paper presented outside the workshop:
- Martin Beck, Michael Haupt and Robert Hirschfeld, NXTalk: Dynamic Object-Oriented Programming in a Constrained Environment PDF
Not presented paper:
- Stéphane Ducasse, Marcus Denker and Adrian Lienhard, Evolving a Reflective Language -- Lessons Learned from Implementing Traits PDF
- Thomas J. Schrader and Christian Haider, Complex Values in Smalltalk PDF
The workshop ends at 16:30. Note that some of the IWST presentations will be made outside the workshop, as a regular ESUG slot.