Winners and Nominations

Retrobjects (VisualWorks) 18,37% of votes
- Developer: Gabriel Eduardo Honoré
- Affiliation: Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
- URL:
- Keywords: emulation - simulation - retro -hardware - chips - computer - commodore - nintendo - videogame - homecomputer - fun - smalltalk - objects - framework - reusability
- Description: PDF

PhidgetLab (Squeak) 13,78% of votes
- Developers: Lysann Kessler, Stephanie Platz, Thomas Klingbeil, Frank Schlegel, Philipp Tessenow, and Michael Haupt, Michael Perscheid, Robert Hirschfeld
- Affiliation: Software Architecture Group, Hasso-Plattner-Institut, Germany
- URL:
- Keywords: Phidgets, Etoys, sensors, actuators, sensing, controlling, USB
- Description: PDF

SqueakNOS (Squeak) 11,31% of votes
- Developers: Valeria Murgia, Luciano Notarfrancesco, Leandro Caniglia, Gerardo Richarte, the community.
- Affiliation: Argentina
- URL:
- Keywords: Operating System, OS, Embedded Software
- Description: PDF
Glamour (Pharo, VisualWorks) 11,31% of votes
- Developers: Philipp Bunge, Tudor Gîrba, Lukas Renggli, Jorge Ressia, David Röthlisberger
- Affiliation: Software Composition Group, University of Bern, Switzerland
- URL:
- Keywords: Browser, User Interface, Scripting, Seaside, Adobe Air
- Description: PDF
5th NXTalk (Squeak, NXTalk) 7,42% of votes
- Developers: Martin Beck, Michael Haupt, Robert Hirschfeld
- Affiliation: Software Architecture Group, Hasso-Plattner-Institut, Germany
- URL:
- Keywords: Lego Mindstorms NXT, robots, embedded Smalltalk, virtual machine
- Description: PDF
6th WebVelocity (VisualWorks) 7,07% of votes
- Developers: Michael Lucas-Smith, Tamara Kogan, Jerry Kott, Martin Kobetic, Alan Knight and many others from the Cincom Smalltalk Engineering group
- Affiliation: Cincom USA, Canada, Australia, Europe
- URL:
- Keywords: web, web development, seaside, glorp, object relational, active record, web velocity
- Description: PDF
7th JavaConnect := Java asSmalltalkValue (VisualWorks, Pharo) 6,71% of votes
8th PetroVR (Visual Smalltalk) 3,89% of votes
- Developers: G. Amaral, J. Blinten, G. Chari, L. Caniglia, C. E. Ferro, A. Murgia, V. Murgia, F. Olivero, A. Somá, J. Vuletich
- Affiliation: Caesar Systems Argentina & USA
- URL:
- Keywords: DEVS, Petroleum, Oil & Gas, Economic Analysis, Project Planning, Decision Support, Scheduling.
- Description: PDF
9th Iliad: a lightweight but powerful web framework (GNU Smalltalk) 3,53% of votes
- Developers: Nicolas Petton & Sébastien Audier
- Affiliation: Université de Montpellier II, FRANCE
- URL:
- Keywords: Web Framework, standalone stateful widgets, REST-like applications
- Description: PDF
SqueakDBX (Squeak, Pharo)
- Developers: Mariano Martínez Peck, Hernán Cassinelli, Germán Palacios, Alejandro Salanova, Esteban Lorenzano
- Affiliation: Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- URL:
- Keywords: Squeak, Pharo, persistence, database, driver, OpenDBX
- Description: PDF
VisualGST (GNU Smalltalk)
WikiServer & Objective-C bridge (Squeak, Pharo based)
13th Citezen, a nicer bibliography toolkit (Pharo) 1,77% of votes
EVA: Enterprise Value Architect Netmodeler (VisualAge Smalltalk, Squeak)
- Developers: Graham McLeod, Rudolf Coetsee
- Affiliation: Inspired, PROMIS Group, South Africa
- URL:
- Keywords: Entreprise Architecture, Enterprise Modeling, Collaborative Modeling
- Description: PDF
15th BoBus: interacting with city lines (VisulaWorks) 1,41% of votes
16th BizPro Launcher (VisualWorks) 0,71% of votes
17th PuissanceQuatre - Connect Four (VisualWorks) 0,35% of votes