First Steps with Aida/Web

Thursday at 13:30

Tutorial contents

  • Secrets of Aida/Web approach
  • Simple web app the conventional way
  • Ajaxifiying your web app
  • Single page web apps, tree-like control flow
  • Making it international
  • Iliad compared to Aida, Seaside and HttpView2, differences and similarities


Please come to the tutorial with an image with Aida already installed. Here are three images already prepared:




For the laziest: a code to filein:

About the speakers

Janko Mivšek, Smalltalker since 1995, founder of the company Eranova d.o.o., author of AIDA/Web web framework, maintainer of Swazoo web server and passionate contributor to Smalltalk community is currently using Smalltalk and Aida for developing complex business web based systems for management of business processes in many industries, from gas, logistics to pharmaceutical.

Nicolas Petton is student at the university of Montpellier II. He is a co-developper of Aida/Web and author of the Iliad web framework.