Winners and Nominations
The ranking below has been obtained by computing for each competitor a score based on the attendees votes. Each time a software was ranked first on a voting ticket, it got 3 points, 2 points when ranked second, and 1 point when ranked third.
1) Dr Geo II (Squeak & Pharo) - Score 72
- Developer: Hilaire Fernandes
- Affiliation: OFSET - CRDP Aquitaine, France
- URL:
- Keywords: mathematics, geometry, teaching, micro-world, constructivism, education, K12
- Description: PDF

2)SeaBreeze (VisualWorks) - Score 60

3)iSqueak: Squeak for (i)Touch Devices (Squeak) - Score 58
- Developers: John McIntosh (1), Grit Schuster (2), Michael Rueger (3)
- Affiliations:
- Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd, Canada
- Interaction Design Group, University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg, Germany
- Impara GmbH, Germany
- URL:
- Keywords: touch devices, multi-touch
- Description: PDF

4)Glare UI framework (VisualWorks) - Score 50
- Author: Philipp Bunge, Tudor Gîrba, Lukas Renggli
- Affiliation: University of Bern, Switzerland
- URL:
- Keywords: Adobe Flex, User interface, Thin client, Browsers
- Description: PDF
5)CodeCity (VisualWorks) - Score 40
6)VASERControl (VA/Smalltalk 7.5.2. by instantiations) - 30
- Key developers: Helga Obele, Thomas Stalzer
- Affiliation: OBJECT dynamics Software GmbH, Germany
- URL:
- Keywords: Home Automation, EIB, KNX, Konnex, serve@home, miele@home
- Description: PDF
7)Hermion (Squeak) - Score 25
- Authors: David Roethlisberger, Orla Greevy, and Oscar Nierstrasz
- Affiliation: Software Composition Group, University of Bern, Switzerland
- URL:
- Keywords: development environment, dynamic analysis, feature analysis
- Description: PDF
8)StakePoint (VisualWorks) - Score 21
- Author: Maarten Mostert
- Affiliation: France
- URL:
- Keywords: Planning ; Project management ; Glorp ; Cairo.
- Description: PDF
9)Safarà (Squeak) - Score 19
- Authors: Luigi Panzeri (1), Lukas Renggli (2)
- Affiliations:
- National Research Council, IMATI - Pavia, Italy
- Software Composition Group, University of Bern, Switzerland
- URL:
- Keywords: Software Development Tools, Text Editor, Domain Specific Languages.
- Description: PDF
10)ExpertCare (Dolphin X6) - Score 17
11) ClavesPC and TaskTracker - Score 12
- ClavesPC (Dolphin) - Score 12
- TaskTracker (VisualWorks 7.4.1 and 7.6) - Score 12
- Developers: Emiliano Pérez (1), Sebastián Perez Escribano (1), Andrés Fortier(1, 2)
- LIFIA, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata, Argentina. {emiliano.perez, sebastian.perez.escribano, andres}
- DSIC, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia, España. and CONICET
- URL:
- Keywords: Project Management, Peer Review, Agile Methodologies, Constant Integration, Seaside.
- Description: PDF
13) SummerTime & QueryVision - Score 7
- SummerTime (Squeak) - Score 7
- Author: Yann Monclair
- Country: UK
- URL: To test, you can use of the following accounts:
- Yann Monclair, username= yann, password= yann
- Arthur Dent, username=arthur, password=arthur.
- Keywords: Calendar , Seaside , iCalendar
- Description: PDF
- QueryVision (Dolphin Smalltalk 6.1) - Score 7
- Developers: Steffen Müller (1), Marco Leberfing (2)
- Affiliations:
- Neubiberg, Germany
- Fuerstenzell, Germany
- URL:
- Keywords: Database, Query Designer, Seaside 2.8, Web 2.0
- Description: PDF