Aida/Web 6.0, This Is How the Web Works! By Janko Mivsek
Alan Kay once said: "Every object should have an Url". Aida already implemented that one year earlier. Playing by the web rules and philosophy, by exploring the web potential as deeply as possible Aida since then achieved a lot: preserving simplicity while dealing with even more complex web applications, integrating new techniques like Ajax, growing developer's community, portability to several Smalltalk dialects including Gemstone and new projects like Aida/Scribo, a CMS framework with ready plugins like blog, wiki, website. Presentation will show the current state of affairs in Aida world and our plans for the future.
Bio: Janko Mivšek, a Smalltalker since 1995, founder of Eranova, author of AIDA/Web web framework, maintainer of Swazoo web server and passionate contributor to Smalltalk community is currently using Smalltalk for developing complex business web based systems for management of business processes in many industries, from gas, logistics to pharmaceutical.
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