Winners and Nominations

On Tuesday 16th of august, ESUG Awards competitors gave their demos. Each conference attendee voted for his/her 3 favourite softwares. We collected 56 valid voting tickets with 168 valid votes.

To get the ranking, we first computed the percentage of vote per competitors. When two competitors got the same percentage, we computed their score based on the following rule: score = (3 x Number of 1st position votes) (2 x Number of 2nd position votes) (1 x Number of 3rd position votes).

We endup with the following result. Winners got their ESUG Innovation Technology Awards Diploma during the ESUG conference banquet Thursday 18th of august.

1) RoelTyper - Open Pluggable Type System for Smalltalk (VisualWorks)

1st prize (500 Euros + a Smalltalk Balloon)
26.79% of votes
score = 90

2) SqueakSource - Smart Monticello Repository (Squeak)

2nd prize (300 Euros + a Smalltalk Balloon)
17.86% of votes
score = 63

3) IntensiVE - The Intensional Views Environment (VisualWorks)

3rd prize (200 Euros + a Smalltalk Balloon)
17.26% of votes
score = 63

4) Moose - an Agile Reengineering Environment (VisualWorks)

13.10% of votes - score = 38

5) Bottom Feeder - an RSS/Atom News Aggregator (VisualWorks)

7.74% of votes - score = 32

6) Promoter - A Search Engines Adder (Squeak)

5.95% of votes - score = 16

7) e-Invoices - a Complete On-line Business Application (Dolphin)

5.36% of votes - score = 17

8) AmItalk - Towards MDE/MDA Tool Support for Ambient Systems (VisualWorks)

5.36% of votes - score = 11

9) Silt - A web log server (VisualWorks)

0.60% of votes - score = 2