The Research Track will be held Tuesday 16th August afternoon from 14:00 to 18:30. Each presentations will last 30min.
- 14h00-14h30 : Open Aspect
- 14h30-15h00 : Towards Unified Aspect-Oriented Programming
- 15h00-15h30 : Inter-Language Reflection
- 15h30-16h00 : Runtime Bytecode Transformation for Smalltalk
- 16h00-16h30 : Coffee break
- 16h30-17h00 : A New Model of the Time Domain
- 17h00-17h30 : Towards a Taxonomy of SUnit Tests
- 17h30-18h00 : Co-evolving Code and Design with Intensional Views � A Case Study
- 18h00-18h30 : Microprints: A Pixel-based Semantically Rich Visualization of Methods