Eighth ESUG Smalltalk Summer School
August 28th - September 1st
Southampton, UK
Preliminary Call for Papers
For the 8th consecutive year, the European Smalltalk User Group organizes a Smalltalk Conference to bring together Smalltalk users from both academia and industry in a friendly atmosphere. As always the attendents will enjoy tutorials, workshops and demonstrations on various Smalltalk related subjects. Due to the recent upliving of Smalltalk, this year promises to be really exciting. The location of Southampton, on England's south coast, while it has been dubbed as the 'Entertainment Capital of the South', it is also the ideal touring base to explore the Hampshire region, one of the most interesting regions in England. Because monday August 28th is a banking holiday in England we will start with the social event on that day. This is a good opportunity to meet informally before the actual start of the conference.
Th heart of the conference is through contributions from the actual Smalltalk practioners. Therefore we invite people to submit proposals to arganize tutorials, experience reports, workshops or demos, or to exhibit. Together with invited speakers this promises to be another exciting Smalltalk event.
Prospective speakers must clearly explain the format they would like to use (tutorial, experience report, workshop or demo). Each proposal must include an abstract of around 200 words. All proposals should be sent to Stephane Ducasse (ducasse@iam.unibe.ch) AND Roel Wuyts (rwuyts@vub.ac.be), in plain ASCII pasted in the body of the e-mail (NOT attached).
New this year will be a ESUG Smalltalk Conference CD-Rom, containing the abstracts and the slides of the talks presented during the Conference. Because of this, accepted speakers have to take into account that their slides will need to be ready around the middle of July.
Hot topics include, but are not limited to:
We are especially interested in real-world industrial applications written entirely in Smalltalk.
Exhibitors or sponsors should directly contact Stephane Ducasse (ducasse@iam.unibe.ch) or Roel Wuyts (rwuyts@vub.ac.be) for more information.
The Conference takes place in Southampton, UK. More information about the Conference Center can be found at http://uke.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?pc=SO147NN&place=SO14+7NN&db=pc. A map with the center of Southampton can be found at http://www.soton.ac.uk/menus/mimenu/city.html.
Deadline for proposals: 31st of March
Notification of acceptance: end of april
Camera ready copy for slides of accepted speakers: middle of July