Advanced eXtreme Programming testing techniques in Smalltalk

Joseph Pelrine is an expert Smalltalk programmer with over 11 years extensive OT experience and has worked with Kent Beck, the originator of XP, for a number of years. A former columnist for the Smalltalk Report and noted international speaker, he is currently a senior consultant with Daedalos Consulting in Switzerland. He is coauthor of the forthcoming book, Mastering ENVY/Developer, due for publication from Cambridge University Press in fall 2000.

How much testing is enough? Too little? Too much? What do developers need to test? The available eXtreme Programming literature differentiates between unit testing and functional testing, and gives unit testing during development a (well-deserved and much-needed) high priority, but fails to address a number of other important aspects of developer testing: GUI testing, performance testing, and packaging/delivery testing, for example. This tutorial will illustrate new techniques such as implementing "skins" for SUnit, defining test resources for managing items which remain active over a series of tests (e.g. database connections), and automating or integrating various other tests into SUnit.
