Fifth Summer School 1997

August 25 - August 29
Sophia Antipolis, France

ESUG (European Smalltalk Users' Group) has held its fifth Smalltalk Summer School in Sophia Antipolis, France, from August 25th to 29th 1997. It was supported by E.S.S.I. (Ecole Superieure des Sciences Informatiques). L'E.S.S.I. is located in the Sophia Antipolis Science Park which is on the French Riviera between Nice and Cannes.

Organizing Committee:

Rene BACH, Switzerland
Mireille BLAY-FORNARINO, E.S.S.I., France
Isabelle BORNE, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, France
Anne-Marie DERY, E.S.S.I., France
Annick FRON, AFC Europe, France
Joachim GEIDEL, Daedalos, Germany
Philippe KRIEF, OTI, France
Ernest MICKLEI, ELC Object Technology, The Netherlands


Koen De Hondt, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Adrian Kunzle, JP Morgan, USA
Joseph Pelrine, Object Solutions, Switzerland
Jan Steinman, Bytesmiths, USA

The Program of this Summer School is available.