About Us

Contact ESUG


The ESUG Board as elected 2010

Legal Information

ESUG is a french-law association, and hence it is not subject to the VAT. It does not have a siret number but is registered under the number W751167780.

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Our Goals

ESUG is a non-profit association that gathers all European users of all dialects of Smalltalk. It was registered in 1991 under French status "Association de Loi 1901".

Its goals are to:

  • promote use of the Smalltalk programming language
  • promote communication between Smalltalk users through meetings, periodic newsletter, software exchange, electronic mail, etc., and by organizing events like the Smalltalk Yearly Conference
  • help and link local Smalltalk users groups
  • help the creation of local Smalltalk users groups
  • identify Smalltalk users and their needs and represent them towards discussions with vendors.

ESUG usually meets at Object-Oriented Conferences, such as Tools, Ecoop and OOPSLA, and the ESUG users conference. Board members can be reached through e-mail at esug-info@esug.org (which broadcasts to all board members) for information.

For mailings to members and everybody who subscribed directly to the mailing list you can send a mail to esug-list@lists.esug.org. To visit the mailing list go to http://lists.esug.org, currently more than 500 Smalltalkers all over Europe and beyond!.

Info on the ESUG board members is also available. If you want to become an ESUG member, you can check out the Membership page.