Info.txt improve: Mo 03 07 Bric Wed 01 gemstone thurs 03 parsing 04 06 07 08 10 11 14 15 Fri 01 02 03 04 05 4) Check that a .pdf is there for all talks (convert other formats) =============================== Later: IWST: we need to ask for slides Videos DONE: 1) sort existing slides - every slide to the day that it was given. Every talk will have a sub-directory - add the number of the talk (02-) at the start so it is sorted by time - if slides are missing, add number-title.txt 2) ask for missing slides For every missing slide (the txt), ask the person for the slides TODO (mails are all send) Monday mail 11-MISSING-Syntactic Excursions 3) add an "info.txt" file with all the infos for the talk, see This can be found in the Calendar entry of the talk (the links to slideshare and you tube will be added later)