First Name: Martin , Andres Last Name: McClure , Valloud Email: , Title: Hashed Collections: You Can (and sometimes should) Build Your Own Abstract: Hashed collections -- Sets, Dictionaries, and the like. We all use them, but sometimes the built-in ones don't quite fit our needs. We'll start by reviewing the concepts behind hashed collections. Martin and Andres will also swap stories of oddball collections they have implemented, discuss why you might want your own collection classes, and show how to create ones that perform well. Bio: Martin has been interested in Smalltalk since he first heard about it in 1975. After a frustrating ten-year wait he finally got his hands on a running Smalltalk system and hasn't let go since. He is a senior engineer at GemTalk, working on the GemStone Smalltalk product line. In his spare time, he works on Mist, a Smalltalk variant with improved modularity and security and no virtual machine. Andres started working on Smalltalk in 1996, and has been developing virtual machines since 2007. He is the author of three books on Smalltalk, and currently works at LabWare.