Title: Sista: Improving Cog’s JIT performance Speaker: Clément Béra Thu, August 21, 9:45am – 10:30am Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/esug/sista-talkesug2 Description Abstract: Although recent improvements of the Cog VM performance made it one of the fastest available Smalltalk virtual machine, the overhead compared to optimized C code remains important. Efficient industrial object oriented virtual machine, such as Javascript V8's engine for Google Chrome and Oracle Java Hotspot can reach on many benchs the performance of optimized C code thanks to adaptive optimizations performed their JIT compilers. The VM becomes then cleverer, and after executing numerous times the same portion of codes, it stops the code execution, looks at what it is doing and recompiles critical portion of codes in code faster to run based on the current environment and previous executions. Bio: Clément Béra and Eliot Miranda has been working together on Cog's JIT performance for the last year. Clément Béra is a young engineer and has been working in the Pharo team for the past two years. Eliot Miranda is a Smalltalk VM expert who, among others, has implemented Cog's JIT and the Spur Memory Manager for Cog. Video Part1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4E_FoLysJg Video Part2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZOk3qojoVE